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TV7 Editor’s Note - Changing European winds in the making; Is a nuclear Iran inevitable?
Israel pledges to combat terror wherever it may surface - This Week 11.8.23
Viability of US-Iran “Understandings” to avert Nuclear Breakout - Jerusalem Studio 782
TV7 Editor’s Note - July Break Update; Israel, where are we heading?
Powers in Play - Does War Have a Future? Early Lessons of The Ukraine Crisis
IDF resumes UAV targeted killings in WB; Israel increases aid to Ukraine - TV7 Israel News 22.06.23
Israel unbound by security-threatening deals; Hamas prepares for final battle TV7 Israel News 01.07
Is Russia headed for a civil war?
TV7 Israel Watchmen Talk – Col. (Ret.) Dr. Eran Lerman, Former Senior Intelligence Officer
Changing Western Policy Towards Tehran and the JCPOA #FPABriefings
Israel reboots fiercely-opposed judicial campaign
Do settlers deter or encourage West Bank violence?